NC Superior Courts

Welcome to the online judges’ benchbook!

There are two main ways to find what you need in the benchbook:

Drop down menus. Navigation bars for the benchbook’s four sections (General, Criminal, Civil, Evidence) appear at the top of the page. To explore a section, move your mouse to the navigation bar and a drop down menu will appear. Get to a subsection by clicking within the drop down menu.

Searching. Use the “Benchbook Search” box for a text search of the entire benchbook. To search for a phrase, use quotation marks (e.g., “civil contempt”). “Expert Search” lets you limit a search to section titles, keywords, and abstracts.

Most sections are posted as PDFs. However, if the section contains items such as sample orders, a Word version also is posted so that you can download and use the form order.

The benchbook is designed primarily for online use. However, you can print out sections & keep them in a trial notebook. Either way, sign up here to receive emails about new or updated sections.

Have a suggestion for the benchbook? Send it to Shea Denning ( sends e-mail)).